2008 Clawbies Coming Soon!

Well it’s that time of the year again! We’re gearing up for another edition of the Canadian Law Blog Awards, a.k.a. the Clawbies, with the final results to be released (like last year) on December 31st.

One thing that will be different this time around is the addition of a nomination process. Being considered for a Clawbie starts with being on our radar, and every blog listed at lawblogs.ca will get a passing look. However, this year we want to let Canadian law bloggers toot their own horn, and in the process, give them a chance to plug their friends. So, here’s the deal…

2008 Nominations

Between now and Friday December 27th, you may nominate a Canadian authored legal blog in one of two possible ways.

  1. Simply email your favourite blog (yes, you can nominate your own) with some of your finest 2008 posts or any other notable highlights to Steve Matthews at steve@stemlegal.com.
  2. Or method number two, and this is much more fun … write a blog post about three other Canadian law blogs you currently read and tell us why those blogs are important to you. Now, here’s the bonus: in doing so, you are expected to be a humble Canadian and tell us NOTHING about your own blog. In return, your blog will receive a thorough review, as will your suggested peers, AND you get a chance to plug a fellow Canadian blogger!

    Noted: No, we’re not voting like the ABA… but linking out to fellow Canadian legal bloggers adds to our infrastructure, and let’s us share audiences. That way, the process helps everyone, and the award is simply a final recognition.

The categories remain the same as previous years; but please don’t worry about submitting categories. We’ll figure that part out.  Where we would like some help though, is identifying US & European law blogs that pay attention (and link) to Canadian legal blogosphere! So feel free to share your thoughts either via your email nomination or including a link in your nomination blog post.

And that’s it!  Stay tuned & watch out for Clawbies 2008 coming this New Year’s Eve!!

10 Responses to “2008 Clawbies Coming Soon!”

  • […] Finally, I’ve been remiss in not yet drawing your attention to three Canadian blogs that made the Blawg 100 cut. You should go vote for them, and you should definitely read them. (Update: please also consider this to be their 2008 Clawbies nominations.) […]

  • Timing is everything. :-) I’ve just updated today’s post to nominate three Canadian blogs for well-deserved Clawbies. Thanks for this, Steve!


  • […] noted on Clawbies.ca this afternoon, the 2008 Canadian Law Blog Awards will once again be announced on New Year’s […]

  • […] I’m not a Canadian “law” blogger per se, but I am Canadian, my blog does target the legal field and of course I  read tons of legal blogs (plenty from the fabulous Canadian Law Blogs List!), so I wanted to share a quick post on my 3 favourite Canadian law blogs. I hope they all get recognition from Clawbies! […]

  • […] and performed by Bob Dorough Steve Matthews, the creator of the Canadian Legal Blog Awards, has just announced the 2008 Clawbie Nomination process.  True to Steve’s creative and […]

  • […] the CLawBies showcase some of the remarkable talent in the Canadian legal blogosphere each year. Nominations for this year’s CLawBies are being accepted from law bloggers, […]

  • Ask three ABlawggers for their favourite Canadian law blogs, and you end up with more than three different answers. It appears our bloggers cannot confine themselves to a single favourite, and so we have restricted ourselves here to academic / law professor blogs.

    Jonnette Watson Hamilton, ABlawg’s most prolific blogger, writes: “Osgoode Hall’s The Court — which was 2007’s “most important new Canadian law blog” — continues to provide timely, thoughtful and in-depth analysis of Supreme Court of Canada decisions. One of the reasons for the outstanding nature of the contribution this blog makes to legal scholarship is the number of law students, practicing lawyers and law professors from all across Canada who are among its contributors. Regardless of the area of law, The Court has someone who can comment on new cases with expertise. The Court states that it “aims to become the premier online location for information about Canada’s highest court” and I think it has achieved this aim.”

    Jennifer Koshan, Coordinator of ABlawg, agrees with this assessment, and adds that: “The Court provides valuable context for Supreme Court cases and other national legal developments that enriches my teaching of constitutional law.” Koshan’s favourite thread on The Court this year dealt with the role of Chief Justice McLachlin in Henry Morgentaler’s Order of Canada award. These posts (and the resulting commentary) provided rich fodder for the topic of judicial independence in constitutional law.

    It is no surprise that Greg Hagen, our faculty’s IP specialist and technical advisor for ABlawg, chooses the following law blogs as his tie for favourite: “I visit Michael Geist’s blog almost every day. Geist’s blog is a current and comprehensive source on internet and copyright news. His brief commentaries usefully put the news into a broader perspective. His site contains links to other tech law blogs and often links to primary materials which are useful for research purposes. Howard Knopf’s Excess Copyright blog contains perceptive, passionate and often humorous commentary on selected Canadian and international copyright news. Although Knopf practices copyright law, he keeps in touch with academic writings and posts his own academic contributions.”

    Last but not least, Koshan nominates the University of Alberta Faculty of Law’s blog for the following reasons: “I love U of A bloggers’ irreverence and wide ranging subject matter – where else can you find movie reviews, obituaries, live blogs, and case and political commentary all in the same week? I also admire the number and range of comments posted in response to U of A bloggers’ posts, which show a high level of reader engagement. In fact, I often read the U of A blog to find comments on ABlawg posts. It works like this – one of us will write a post on ABlawg, Russ Brown will comment on it on the U of A’s blog, and then readers respond to his post, indirectly commenting on ours. Russ and Moin Yahya also provided helpful advice when we were setting up ABlawg in 2008. Calgary / Edmonton rivalry may be alive and well in hockey, but not in the blawgosphere.”

  • […] Matthews has recently posted that the nomination process for the Canadian Legal Blog Awards, aka Clawbies, is […]

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